Humanity’s most
challenging diseases…

Meet Australia’s
brightest minds


Omico are increasing clinical trial efficiency and reducing costs through our fast tracked molecular and genomic screening, with patient enrolment from the entire nation.

Omico also provides greater innovation through access to a national network of thought leaders to expand capabilities and knowledge base.

Cancer Meet Its Match

Creating possibilities for clinical trials


Why work with Omico?


Perform intellectually-stimulating world-class research.


Access patient-focused opportunities that change cancer care and transform lives.


Access state-of-the-art genomics and correlative science resources.


Join and collaborate with a national network of thought leaders.

Our Purpose

As a national, independent not-for-profit organisation, supported by public-private  funding, Omico facilitates a national network to outsmart cancer by promoting  genomic and molecular screening and precision medicine, to…

  • Stimulate research into prevention, diagnosis and better management of advanced, incurable or poor prognosis cancers
  • Accelerate transition from discovery to clinical application
  • Accelerate patient access to next-generation cancer therapies
  • Promote Australia to global pharma as a centre for early-phase clinical trials

Our Network

The Omico network covers…

  • 1,500 basic and clinical researchers
  • 20,000 new cancer patients each year
  • Over 800 referring oncologists

Our Strengths

We provide access to internationally-competitive basic research programs through…

  • Established molecular signal-seeking ‘live’ drug development platform
  • High throughput ‘real time’ matching of patients to biomarker directed clinical trials
  • Efficient and innovative trial design and fulfilment
  • Biospecimen-rich correlative science and intellectual partnership

Let’s work together to revolutionise cancer research!

Get in touch

Our Progress

19,848 Patients Screened
993 Referring Clinicians
11,165 Patients with a treatment recommendation
1,626 Patients accessing a matched therapy

Meet a faster way to access genomic screening, enrol patients, and set up biomarker-led clinical trials with Omico.

Our work

Finding new treatment paths for difficult-to-treat cancers

Omico’s landmark Precision Oncology Screening Platform Enabling Clinical Trials (PrOSPeCT) aims to open up new options for patients with difficult-to-treat, advanced and metastatic cancers.

Matching patients to biomarker-led clinical trials

Through our Cancer Screening Project (CaSP) we’re performing comprehensive genomic profiling for cancer patients with unmet clinical need to match them to clinical trials or other care pathways.

Matching molecular changes to targeted therapy

Our Molecular Screening and Therapeutics (MoST) study aims to characterise molecular changes in a patient’s cancer that may help to identify a targeted therapy.

Identifying genetic basis of cancer risk

We’re examining the genetic basis of inherited cancer with our Genetic Cancer Risk in the Young (RisC) study.

Improving surveillance of multi-organ cancer

Our Surveillance study in Multi-Organ Cancer-prone syndromes (SMOC+) study is investigating and evaluating the surveillance practices used for people at high risk of multi-organ cancer.

Who we work with


Work with Omico for improved access to genomic screening, patient enrolment, and biomarker-led clinical trial set up.

Get in Touch